Can you help me?

My dear blog readers,

Barry Loudermilk is one of the most inspiring men I have ever met and the only one I trust to send to Congress to represent me so that I can have a future!  He hasn't just read the U.S. Constitution, but actually teaches classes on it!  So, he knows what he is swearing to help uphold.  He doesn't just talk about the issues, but actually offers realistic solutions!  And on top of all that he is a God-fearing man that doesn't even want to run, but knows it's what he's called to do.  For these reasons and so many more, I've committed to raise $1,000 for him!  #StandWithBarry!

Can you help me out?   

Click the link below for more info:

Thank you so much!  Happy pilgrimming!

Destiny Anne


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